Traveling in the mountains has been a big part of my life. It has enabled me to see wonderful parts of the countryside, connect with great people, and take a break from the go-go lifestyle of the internet, finance, and my smart phone. Here's a few highlights from stomping around planet Earth and the backcountry:
- Traveled to 18 Countries on 6 Continents (I'll get to Antarctica soon)
- Visited 47 States in the United States (West Virginia, North and South Dakota remain)
- Highest Point Reached? Cotopoxi in Ecuador at 19, 347 feet
- Favorite Climb in the US? The Swiss Arete on Mt. Sill or Cathedral Peak in Yosemite
- Favorite Climb outside the US? The Eiger.
- Favorite Backpack Trip? Up the Silver Divide and Silver Pass Trail in California
- Toughest Backpack Trip? Shepherds Pass Trail to Mt. Tyndall and Mt. Williamson
- Worst Hut? Mount Elbrus, Russia. The place was a dump. I should have camped in the snow
- Trail I’ve walked the most? The Miwok Loop in Gerbode Valley, Marin Headlands
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